
Saturday, November 4, 2017

To Create Motion

Our Life’s experiences within the physical world are all framed through three primary “filters” – Space, Time, and Motion. Space provides our location within the infinite expanses of the Universe while Time allows the developmental process of our experiences to coalesce as matter moving in Motion. Space can be better understood as our reality, the location of the reality we are experiencing. Time and Motion are directly related correspondents in the Creation of our reality, as Time and Motion are interlocked through our movement within the physical world. Although our attention to Time and Motion within our physical world can easily be overlooked, Space as the location of our reality cannot be as easily disregarded – we are all involved and give our utmost attention to the conditions and outcomes of our reality! In our evolving experiences with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, Mother Earth will not be changing or replacing the three primary “filters” involved in our Life’s experiences in the physical world – Space, Time, and Motion. Rather, any and all Change in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be accomplished by our perception and awareness to Mother Earth’s new Fifth Dimension status through our “filter” of Motion. Motion, dear Ones, is better known as the role our Spiritual Nature fulfills within our experience of the physical world! Without our Spiritual Nature involved in our experiences, everything in the physical world would be a process of repetition, repetition, and more repetition!

In a world of repetition, repetition, and more repetition, every experience in our physical world would be mundane, everyday, and redundant. Our physical world, however, is not designed to produce repetitive motions like a mechanical apparatus. Our physical world is designed to move, change, and expand the Freedom of our Soul’s expressions through our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose! We all choose and decide when to acknowledge and enact our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose – the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe through our power to express and enact our Spiritual Nature within our own reality! In order to integrate our Soul’s Spiritual Nature into our physical world, we must choose and decide to develop our reality from the mundane, everyday, and redundant to the vibrant, alive, and extraordinary within the Space, Time, and Motion of the Universe! We can all do this, dear Ones, as from November 9, 2017 through February 10, 2018 Mother Earth will be in an Activation mode with her evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality! Each and every Soul must now consider his or her options before he or she decides whether to Create Motion towards the expression of their Spiritual Purpose in his or her own reality! It will not take the vast majority of humanity on Earth to move, change, and expand humanity’s entire direction towards expressing their Spiritual Purpose – it will just take LEADERS!

The leaders of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality are already internally aware of their leadership status in Mother Earth’s Activation mode from November 9, 2017 through February 10, 2018! Most have been aware of Mother Earth’s Shift in Consciousness to move, change, and expand her boundaries of Fourth Dimension Space, Time, and Motion to Fifth Dimension Space, Time, and Motion for some time now! Now that Mother Earth has reached the critical Activation stage of her “Vega Effect,” Mother Earth’s process of shifting her internal magnets to align with her new Pole Star of Vega from September 25 through December 23, 2017, the influences of the Universe’s Space, Time, and Motion upon Mother Earth will not only become stronger but also, even more noticeable on Earth, especially for those in leadership status with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality! But how is the vast majority of humanity going to come into awareness of Mother Earth’s impeding and imminent transition to a New Normal? As long there are those who assume power is in what you can hold or claim to hold on paper rather than what is within their Heart and Soul, many will not be convinced or even question the system that binds their Freedoms! To uphold the innate Freedom of our Soul’s expression through our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose, we must seek our own pathways within Mother Earth’s route to a New Normal. But in doing so, we will also have to claim our new Space, Time, and Motion with the Universe!

Our Life’s experiences within the physical world are all framed through three primary “filters” – Space, Time, and Motion. Space serves as the location of our reality within the physical world while our Spiritual Nature serves to Create Motion into our reality through the choices and decisions we choose to express our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose. Time as an influence in our reality serves to provide a developmental process for our learning towards our Spiritual Experience in attaining our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose. Space, Time, and Motion all work together in a unified process so that, in the long run, we learn to uphold and understand their purpose in the physical world, as our physical world is designed to move, change, and expand the Freedom of our Soul’s expressions through our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose! By concentrating all our efforts just upon our Space, the conditions and outcomes of our reality, we easily forget we are a Spiritual entity and have Spiritual gifts and talents to aid our conditions and outcomes! Mother Earth’s New Normal is conditioned upon our acclimation with her new Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! Our acclimation of Mother Earth’s new Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency will be only produced by our choosing to Create Motion towards the expression of our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose – the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe! We could all continue to Live like a mechanical apparatus from time to time, but who would want to do that all the time!

If everyone on Earth were to choose to Ascend, or Shift in Consciousness, into the Universe with Mother Earth ALL AT ONCE, Mother Earth would explode like an enlightened supernova, with everyone moving into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Space, Time, and Motion ALL AT ONCE! Your leadership in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality, dear Ones, is already ascertained through the Spiritual Maturity you acquired long ago! If you need to recall and remember how you attained your status within the Universe, all you have to do is reflect upon what got you there – your innate ability to Create Motion in all you do! The words “motivation” and “emotion” both have their origin in the Latin verb moveo, meaning, “to move.” When we are motivated we are said to Create Motion through our incentive or reason in moving to do something. Our emotions likewise serve to Create Motion by eliciting an internal response to our circumstances or situations when we ask ourselves, “Am I experiencing Joy or am I feeling displeasure with my circumstances?” You already know your own answer! Your answer should not surprise you, for the “motivation” and “emotion” you feel in the awareness of Mother Earth’s intent to Ascend, or Shift in Consciousness” is already happening. But it will take more than a reminder that our world can be mundane, everyday, and redundant. It will take the hope, inspiration, and realization that it’s possible to Create Motion in a Life that is vibrant, alive, and extraordinary within the Space, Time, and Motion of the entire Universe!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A New Normal

The practice of Mindfulness teaches us to be present in the moment of NOW – in full awareness of our breathing in, breathing out. We cannot attain a state of Mindfulness whenever we burden our minds with thoughts of everyday worries, concerns, or anxieties, as we can only attain a state of Mindfulness when our awareness IS connected with our present surroundings in this moment of NOW. Most people find it difficult to realize a presence within the moment of NOW, being absorbed within a broad spectrum of persisting thoughts of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, long before taking a pause to relax into the moment of NOW! No one can be completely faulted or blamed, for our societies depend upon a contribution from every one of its social tenants through their dutiful responsibility of achieving a means of economic support for their needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Our societal obligations therefore, can easily cause us to forget to gauge and monitor our presence within our everyday situations of space, time, and movement. But we must remember – we are susceptible to the momentum of Change within the physical world and the only thing we have a direct influence over is our response to Change. We must remember this, dear Ones! With a practice of Mindfulness or any other meditational technique we may incorporate in our present days, the Change now occurring throughout our world not only forms into manageable pieces, but also deters our Hearts from entering into a state of indecision! 

We are now moving into a New Normal, dear Ones, as Mother Earth has been upon this pathway since October 28, 2011 when she first entered the parameters of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Since then she has become a fully enabled Fifth Dimension Creator Planet on March 27, 2017 and is now in a process of establishing an entirely New Reality upon her body! Humanity now has a Choice – do we move with the momentum of Mother Earth’s Change or do we attempt to retain our existing social system’s infrastructure? On October 19, 2017 this Choice will be given to all of humanity on an individual basis – do I move with the momentum of Mother Earth’s Change or do I attempt to retain my social status within our existing social system’s infrastructure? Many will not realize this Choice will require an awareness of his or her connection to their present surroundings within this moment of NOW! The Choice available on October 19, 2017 will not be like any of the previous “ordinary” choices we used to make on a daily basis, as this Choice concerns the Realization of our New Reality in the Fifth Dimension – to move with the momentum of Mother Earth’s Change or not! There will be no other Choice provided later as this Choice will be serving to further sever the gap between Life with Mother Earth’s former Third and Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequencies and Life within a New Normal of her new Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency!

Our Hearts and Souls are naturally attuned to the movements of the entire Universe and hold the absolute content of our Divine Plan within it! If we trust and listen to the guidance provided by our own Heart and Soul, our transition into the New Normal being initiated by Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality will flow through us in “manageable pieces.” Our “manageable pieces” are comprised of the “aha moments” of insight we receive and perceive through our meditational moments. As we recollect, gather, and synchronize our “manageable pieces” together into a unit of knowledge, we will also begin to comprehend the connections – the connections needed to understand how everything all fits together! When we lack a practice like Mindfulness to find the connection of our Hearts and Souls within the entire Universe, we let our whims and fears become our masters, thus making us ever more susceptible to the persuasion of others. The Choice available on October 19, 2017 – to move with the momentum of Mother Earth’s Change or not – will not be a standalone choice but the beginning of a series of Choices leading us towards our participation in the New Normal of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality! We didn’t come this far into Mother Earth’s evolutionary process into the Fifth Dimension just to watch things happen around us – we are here for the explicit purpose of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension and that Time is NOW!

From November 9, 2017 through February 10, 2018 Mother Earth will be in an Activation mode with her evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality. What this will mean directly for us, dear Ones, is that what we have amassed throughout our lifetimes’ meditational moments in “manageable pieces” will be Activating to Create our New Normal through the momentum of Mother Earth’s Change process! If we lack a practice similar to Mindfulness within our Spiritual repertoire, we will not only continue to be distracted by the deconstruction and dismantling of our old world but will also entirely miss our New Normal arising like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of the old! We Live within a physical reality where time, space, and movement can easily distort what our Hearts and Souls know, comprehend, and understand. If we cannot see our connection to the Universe, how will we ever come to see how humanity is all connected together? This will be the context by which humanity will base his or her individual Choice on October 19, 2017 – do I move with the momentum of Mother Earth’s Change or do I attempt to retain my existing social status within our social system’s infrastructure? No one can be completely faulted or blamed, for our societies depend upon a contribution from every one of its social tenants through their dutiful responsibility of achieving a means of economic support for their needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Our True Choice now is about Creating our New Normal in the NOW!

There will be many distractions occurring in the next coming year through the deconstruction and dismantling of our old world. The many distractions will be resulting from Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” period serving to eliminate the use of her former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency (until December 27, 2018). The Choice available on October 19, 2017 – to move with the momentum of Mother Earth’s Change or not – will not be granting anyone the ability to deny or bypass the existence of this Choice, as this Choice is serving to initiate a New Normal on Earth NOW! It will not take every single individual human to choose to participate in the enactment of a New Normal in Mother Earth’s New Reality, dear Ones. It will only take a handful of Souls who know and understand the innate Power within his or her Heart and Soul to choose to set the entire content of their Divine Plan into motion! Whether we call ourselves Blue Rays, Indigoes, Star Seeds, or Lightworkers, we will all be happy to know that we are now moving into the space, time, and motion of Mother Earth’s Activation of her Fifth Dimension New Reality! Our next Choice to expand the Realization of our New Reality will occur on January 15, 2019. By then we all will have a better understanding and more experience in our New Normal with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency to enable the purpose of our next Choice – to initiate our New Society of Light into Activation! It’s not about the thoughts of yesterday, today, or tomorrow. It’s all about the amassed “manageable pieces” of Spiritual Knowledge we enact upon!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Our “I AM” Experience

There is a place within each of us where we can always experience a true expression of “I AM” – God’s Presence within us! Our “I AM” Experience is manifested whenever we attain a state of awareness without relying upon our five physical senses, as our five physical senses of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting are designed for operating within the physical world. The innate place of our “I AM” Experience is located within our Hearts and Souls! Our state of awareness within the “I AM” Experience serves to align our Soul’s Energy Vortices, our Soul’s Seven Chakras, with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe to access our Soul’s “I AM” Experience zone, our Soul’s World of Creation. Ever since Mother Earth completed the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017 everything we are seeking to do, intending to do, or choosing to do, is now being entirely achieved with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! Although it may seem as if our Soul’s Fifth Dimension Creations are not appearing with any kind of frequency or immediacy into our world, we are already achieving our Heart and Soul’s “I AM” Experiences quite frequently, dear Ones! Our meditational states such as when we enter into internal prayer, appealing for help, or questioning our current direction, not only serve to increase our “I AM” Experiences, but also serve to unify our Soul’s Energy Vortices, our Soul’s Chakras, with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality!

Mother Earth became a fully Activated Fifth Dimension Creator Planet when she completed the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. With the “Vega Effect,” Mother Earth’s process of shifting her internal magnets to align with her new Magnetic North Pole Star of Vega from September 25 through December 23, 2017, Mother Earth is now in a process of manifesting our Fifth Dimension New Reality! There is a marked difference between being in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency and operating within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality – it comes with the recognition of our intentions. Our intentions within Mother Earth’s New Reality will be leading us to fully realize and recognize our “I AM” Experience through our Soul’s World of Creation! As the month of October 2017 progresses into a more recognizable framework of Space and Time, we will all be Choosing the intention and direction of our Souls towards an experience of everything new, yet very familiar to our Hearts and Souls! Our five physical senses will offer little, if any, assistance in perceiving Mother Earth’s newly manifesting New Reality, for our physical senses will only be serving to help us realize that our old familiar world within Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency is vanishing into yesterday! Thus, dear Ones, we will all have to learn to trust the intentions of our Hearts and Souls that are leading us into a yet unseen and fully realized New Reality!

The month of October 2017 will be providing us with a series of Choices from which our Souls will be choosing to align our preferences into Mother Earth’s manifesting Fifth Dimension New Reality. Our Power to Choose will be our greatest asset and ally in Mother Earth’s movement to enhance her Fifth Dimension Creator Planet status! One choice we all have will be to remain the same as much as possible within Mother Earth’s momentum to Change and Transform her body for the Fifth Dimension. That, however, would be counterintuitive to the stirrings of our own Heart and Soul’s “I AM” Experience! What is now developing within Mother Earth’s current “Vega Effect” is the initialization of her new Fifteen Member Charka System. We will not be able to stop her and we will not be able to slow her down. We can only adjust and acclimate our intentions with her momentum, dear Ones! In the common vernacular, “Climate Change,” is actually a misnomer, as it is Mother Earth’s internal heating process leading to the addition of Eight New Chakras to her current Seven Member Chakra System. It is now a reality and her process will be prevailing over us until we can adjust and acclimate our intentions with Mother Earth! The only other choice at our disposal will be to choose to develop the internal stirrings of our Heart and Soul’s “I AM” Experiences, thereby leading to the discovery of our Soul’s innate gifts and talents for our use within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality!  

Our body’s five physical senses will only serve in keeping us alerted to the extent of how much and how fast Mother Earth’s “Vega Effect” is manifesting the presence of our New Reality into our horizon! The incidences of Humanity’s “I AM” Experiences will be increasing and occurring with regularity and quite frequently because we will all be entering into multiple sessions of internal prayer, appealing for help, or questioning our current direction! Our “I AM” Experiences are incidences of God’s Presence within us! Our Power to Choose allows us to listen to what we are intuiting, ignore what we are intuiting, or to listen and act upon what we are intuiting! Many of the Souls on Earth will not be realizing that Mother Earth is undergoing a process of Change and Transformation and will continue to do so until she completes the entire process of actualizing all of her Fifteen Chakras on March 29, 2042! This too is within the parameters of our Power to Choose! As Mother Earth activates each of her yet unnamed new Chakras our Power to Choose, dear Ones, will also allow an increase of our Seven Member Chakra System to a Fifteen Member Chakra System! But these additional Eight Chakras will only be added to our Spiritual acumen when we disengage our dependence upon our five physical senses and choose to actualize the intention of our Heart and Soul’s “I AM” Experiences! Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality is now upon us and will not stop or turn back. All we can do is follow our Joy within it!

The entire process of Mother Earth’s Ascension as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet will be an ongoing process of Change and Transformation of our parameters of Space, Time, and Reality through the connection we hold within our Spiritual Purpose! Our Spiritual Purpose, defined as the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe, is what holds our physical body intact and allows us to interact and experience with our entire physical world. Our Spiritual Purpose serves to allow the electromagnetic properties within our Hearts and Souls to interact with the electromagnetic frequencies of our Mother Earth through her own interactions with her Solar System and its interactions with the entire Universe! Only now Mother Earth is a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet and will be realizing the Changes and Transformations needed to ascertain her newly gained status. For us, dear Ones, there will only be to enact and express our Power to Choose – to Choose to express the Joy and Happiness within our Hearts and Souls! Though this will not be an easily accomplished assignment by everyone on Earth, it will be for each and every Soul who will listen and act upon what we are intuiting within our “I AM” Experiences – as an entirely New Reality will be blossoming for us to Create the entirety of our expression of Joy and Happiness! For this is how we will honor and enact the “I AM” Experience within our Hearts and Souls – as the expression of God’s Presence within us!